Cloud Solution

Salesforce is a SaaS solution that supports optimized customer communication and digital transformation,
all based on the integration of customer data at its core.
Hansol Inticube helps customer seamlessly integrate Salesforce Service Cloud with Contact Center Infra system,
based on our numerous references in Contact Center implementing expertise.

Salesforce is a SaaS solution that supports
optimized customer communication and
digital transformation, all based on the
integration of customer data at its core.
Hansol Inticube helps customer seamlessly
integrate Salesforce Service Cloud with
Contact Center Infra system, based on
our numerous references in Contact Center
implementing expertise.

Business Domain

  • Consulting Based on our experience in contact center construction,
    and consulting expertise, we provide optimized solutions with Salesforce.
  • Software
    Our company is dedicated to delivering efficient and
    structured development services, utilizing the latest
    SaaS solutions.By analyzing and developing solutions
    that align with our clients' unique characteristics and needs,
    we aim to provide tailored products.
  • Maintenance We offer comprehensive system operation support services
    with various application support options. Our commitment
    to complete continuous management includes providing service
    and operation improvement plans.


Salesforce Service Cloud

Transform your customer service with Salesforce Service Cloud. By integrating customer data into a single platform, you can create a customer-centric environment that provides agents with a 360˚ view. This feature allows for high-quality and convenient service. Plus, the omnichannel environment ensures uninterrupted service, boosting customer satisfaction.

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GENESYS & Salesforce Pkg

Our All-In-One contact center solution package is tightly integrated with GENESYS and Salesforce solution, streamlining implementation and operations management with full Saas Structure.

Salesforce Service Cloud
  • Salesforce
    Service Cloud
    Salesforce Pkg

Why Service Cloud is
a way to Success

Why Service Cloud is a way to Success 1) Support Costs 25% decrease. 2)Customer
						Retention 30% increase. 3) Faster Case Resolution 31% increase. 4) Agent Productivity 32% increase.

Genesys & Salesforce Package

Integrate GENESYS & Salesforce to maximize efficiency